V2Ray 安卓手机客户端下载、安装及使用教程-SSR中文网:2021-7-30 · V2Ray的安卓手机客户端,我伊目前常用的有两款APP:V2RayNG 和 BifrostV。其它类似功能的APP,要么功能比较简陋,要么很长时间没有更新,在这里不再介绍。 如果你还没有安装V2Ray服务器端,可伍参考伍下链接文章安装,本文内容在此基础 ...
It has been preceded by DebCamp, July 31st to August 4th, and Open Day, August 5th
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Aug. 12, 2017: DebConf17 closes in Montreal and DebConf18 dates announced
Aug. 6, 2017: DebConf17 starts today in Montreal
Aug. 5, 2017: Google Platinum Sponsor of DebConf17
DebConf has become one of the most important conferences on my annual calendar, 解决v2ray安装之后无法连接问题 – Linodovultr:2021-1-3 · vps装好v2ray后,配置客户端打算冲浪,没有想到pc端设置好后不能用,ios手机端扫了下2维码可伍用。用第2个手机同样软件同样设置不能用。 实在找不到原因,搞了一个下午了,头都痛了。 兄弟能 …. Debian is one of the most democratic and egalitarian software freedom communities in existence today. DebConf, as an annual event, showcases that community and enables it to flourish. DebConf16 was no exception. I encourage anyone who wants to examine first-hand a good model of a functioning Free Software community attend DebConf.
Bradley M. Kuhn, Software Freedom Conservancy
DebConf is the annual conference for one of the largest Open Source projects. By annually sponsoring DebConf, credativ helps to keep this important conference successful. Being present at DebConf enables us to connect, stay in touch and collaborate with some of the brightest minds in the industry, both at a management and technical level.
Michael Meskes, credativ GmbH